We will find the most suitable solution for you.
Contact us at ICT DIRECT already today. As a pioneer in IT headhunting in Finland, we are not just limited to our country’s borders. We solve the talent shortage challenge through international recruitment and resourcing expertise, helping you find world-class solutions for all your IT and technology expert needs.
With our team of professionals who have extensive experience in international management positions in the IT sector, as well as robust networks with companies and professionals in the industry, we know the IT landscape inside out. Furthermore, we understand the unique challenges and requirements of our clients, and we are ready to be your trusted growth partner.
When you choose ICT DIRECT, we go above and beyond to resource and recruit the right IT and technology talents tailored to your company’s needs. Don’t just take our word for it – explore our client success stories and references to see the impact we have made for businesses like yours.
So, let’s get in contact and find the most suitable way from ICT DIRECT talent solutions to fuel your company’s growth with our IT talent solutions.

Contact ICT DIRECT or find us at
Luna house, 5th floor
12B 00100
Swing house
Miestentie 5-9
World Trade Center
Klarabergsviadukten 70
Technopolis Knowledge Park 5th floor
Andheri East
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400093
Invoicing details
We hope that you send your invoices primarily as online invoices. Online invoices
processing is faster, more reliable and cheaper than processing paper invoices.
Our e-invoicing addresses are:
Operator Online invoice address OVT ID
Apix Messaging Oy
003725757464 003725757464
Please note that if you use one of the following operators, an online invoice
for sending: Danske Bank Oyj, Handelsbanken, Paikallisosuuspankit or
Säästöpankit, you should use the following address of our Apix e-invoicing address:
e-invoicing address: 003723327487 and operator ID: DABAFIHH.
If you cannot send online invoices, we ask that you send the invoices as purchase invoices
to the scanning service.
Email scan address:
Address for scanning paper invoices:
ICT DIRECT FINLAND OY (Apix scanning service)
PO Box 16112